

Tooling Setup

Before customizing, you need to prepare the build tools that are used by Discoverize. Same like Bootstrap, Discoverize uses npm scripts for its build system. Discoverize also using Clean CSS, POST CSS and Browsersync. To use discoverize build system and run locally, follow these steps and you should be ready to customize:

  1. Download and install Node.js, which we use to manage our dependencies.
  2. Download and install Terminal App if you dont have one.
  3. Extract discoverize files that you have downloaded.
  4. Open your terminal, and navigate to the root /discoverize-html directory
  5. Run npm install to install our local dependencies listed in package.json.
  6. Run npm i -D postcss postcss-cli to install POST CSS
  7. Run npm install -g browser-sync to install Browsersync
  8. Your build tools are now ready to run.

NPM scripts

On your terminal, run (type + enter) npm start to start the build tools. Open url http://localhost:3000/ in your browser to see the result.

Now, everytime you make changes to SCSS files, the build tools will automatically compile new CSS files, and put them into dist/assets/css directory, and the css files will automatically updated to your browser.

To stop the build tool, press Ctrl + C on your terminal.